Amend the Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (NSW) to remove the principle of ‘detention as a last r

As part of this assessment you are asked to imagine that The NSW Parliament is?seeking submissions from relevant stakeholders in juvenile justice (e.g. police, legal aid, case managers, adolescent psychologists, advocacy groups and researchers) in relation to proposals to make amendments to two core pieces of legislation in NSW as they pertain to youth. The proposed changes are as follows:
1. Amend the Children (Criminal Proceedings) Act 1987 (NSW) to remove the principle of ‘detention as a last resort’ ?
2. Amend the Young Offenders Act 1997 (NSW) to introduce the option of youth justice conferencing for sex offences ?
Your Task: Select ONE proposed amendment and write a 1 500 word (+/-10% leniency) ‘briefing paper’ advising the NSW Parliament of the possible consequences, of the chosen amendment, for young people in NSW.
Your submission should include:
• A succinct summary of the issues, including your stance on the issue ?
• A relevant and brief background to the issue ?
• A concise analysis of the issue and policy implications ?
• A conclusion and recommendation for action (must be supported by evidence) ?
?As a general Guide your Briefing Paper MUST: ?
• Include a minimum of 5 scholarly sources (e.g. journal articles, books, book chapters, and respected government research papers and website). ?
• Must acknowledge the ideas of others; reference direct quotes properly using the Harvard referencing system and include a reference list at the end (this is not included in the 1 500-word count). ?
• Viewpoints need to be substantiated using relevant literature, empirical evidence, and a convincing argument. ?
• The briefing paper must be word-processed, doubled spaced and use a 12pt font that is legible ?
• You must retain an electronic and/or hard copy of your submission as dictated by University Assessment Polic ?




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