America in the Mid-passage

  1. Some historians have argued that the framers of the U.S. Constitution were politically progressive, trying to enshrine and protect political principles in a new framework of government. Others scholars contend they were essentially conservative, trying to limit political power and protect their own interests. Would you agree more with one position or the other? Why?
  2. Both Alexander Hamilton and Thomas Jefferson and their followers had contrasting plans for the future development of the U.S. In your opinion, by roughly 1815 which founder and their followers had done a better job of implementing their vision for the future of the U.S.? Why?
  3. Some historians have argued that internal divisions primarily kept Native Americans from maintaining a unified resistance to American officials and settlers in the early 1800s. Other scholars have asserted that overwhelming pressure from white officials and settlers primarily undercut Native Americans from maintaining their independence. Which argument might you agree with more? Why?

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