American Civilization

Pretend you are the founder of one of the British’s 13 colonies in North America. As a founder of your colony, you will need to CONVINCE others to settle in your colony.
PURPOSE: Describe the benefits of living in YOUR COLONY. Compare it to the other colonies—what’s good about your colony. Convince others to want to live there by writing a (1) argumentative essay, creating an (2) advertisement, and completing a worksheet titled (3) Colonial American Research Questions.
GRADING: Your essay will total 50 points, your advertisement will total 30 points, and (3) Colonial American Research Questions will total 20 points.

Colonial America Research Notes Worksheet

COLONY: ________________________________________

DIRECTIONS: Use your ONLINE Textbook, books and internet sources, no Wikipedia to answer the following questions. You can type your responses after each question using as much space as needed or just type it on a separate sheet.
1. When did the first settlers come to your colony?

2. Where were your colony’s first settlers from? Who were they?

3. What was the land like? What was the climate like?

4. What did the colonists eat and drink?

5. What clothing did the colony’s people wear?

6. What were some of the jobs or skills of the men and women in your colony?

7. What kinds of schools did the colony have?

8. What are some other interesting facts about your colony? (You may want to include facts about the colony’s government, housing, relations with Native Americans, or religion

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