Amyloid Protein

Write about Amyloid Protein (including Amyloid-Beta Protein, and Amyloid Precursor Protein).
The paper should be 4 pages, double-spaced, and written using proper APA formatting. Please include APA-style in-text citations and a reference page
constructed in APA format. This paper only needs 5 sources all of which must be peer-reviewed articles from the databases I will link in the uploaded file.
Things to include in the writing:
– what are Amyloid Protein, Amyloid-Beta Protein, and Amyloid Precursor Protein?
– how or why do these proteins misfold
– Amyloid plaques/ Neurofibrillary tangles
– how does Amyloid Protein in all forms play role in Neurodegenerative diseases I.e Alzheimer’s, and Dementia?

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