Think about an aspect of genetics/genomics, newborn screening, or pharmacogenetics/pharmacogenomics that you believe is rapidly transforming public health and healthcare and reflect on the challenges for public health, including the research behind it, how the information is used, and whether the public should have access to genetic screening tests. What do you think will happen with this area in the next five years? Ten years?
Think about a medication error, drug safety issue, or inappropriate use of prescriptions and reflect on the challenges to health care and public health professionals and what might be done to prevent or mitigate this issue.
Reflect on the idea of risk perception and how it differs between different individuals and groups. Can you think of a time when your perception of risk differed from that of a relevant health or public health professional? Do you think that your response would be different if you had read any particular resource?
Reflect on what critical thinking means to you and how it applies to your career.