Analysis For a Custom T-Shirt Company

  1. Read Deliverable 1 Doc for information about Clothesline- an online custom t-shirt business
  2. Read requirement PDF’s.
  3. Write a requirement analysis for Clothesline- an online custom t-shirt company. I attached a sample of what
    the requirement analysis should look like, under Deliverable 2 Sample doc.
    Requirement Analysis
    Requirement analysis helps you identify the functional and non-functional requirements of the new system.
    First, answer these two key questions: What do you need in terms of ‘data processing’ to improve the current
    processes, and how new data processing activities such data collection, storage, analysis, aggregation,
    conversion, visualization, reporting etc. would help the potential end-users? Please note the methods you used
    for the requirements determination (e.g. interview, best-practice review, JAD).
    Second, list (1) the key external entities interacting with the system, (2) the key inputs and data sources, and
    (3) key data outputs and sinks. Use a ‘Context Diagram’ to summarize the relationships between these
    components (We will discuss in class).
    Third, translate system requirements into system structure by ‘listing’ (1) the key data processing activities (at
    least five) and (2) the major datasets required by the those identified processes.
    Fourth, list 10 functional and 10 non-functional requirements in a table. Provide a short description of each
    requirement. Functional requirements are product features or functions that developers must implement to
    enable users to accomplish their tasks such as different mobile app features. Generally, functional
    requirements describe system behavior under specific conditions. Non-functional requirements describe how
    the system works for example system architecture, database type, user authentication.

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