Analysis of Hancock Regional Hospital’s performance

Prepare a formal written report that presents year-end (2020) analysis of Hancock Regional Hospital’s performance, your findings, and recommendations for 2021. Inserting tables in your
narrative to summarize details is a useful approach. Using the provided/attached information and any additional detail needed, your job is to develop an annual summary report for the trustees. Your overarching goal is to highlight the hospital’s fiscal performance strengths and weaknesses for fiscal 2020. Also, your fiscal analysis should be used to discuss how the 2020 fiscal outcomes supported or detracted from the organization’s mission effectiveness.

Report Content. This information will serve as a rubric indicating what information is to be covered in your year-end summary. It is also an outline defining how your report should be structured. Each discussion area should be used as a topic header for your written report. Your written report is to be single-spaced and use concise points to convey specific content.

Report Outline
Year-End Performance Report – 2020 (Title)

A. Introduction
This section is a reminder to the trustees about the facility and its service area. As such, one purpose is to provide a detailed summary of the facility, e.g., bed count, staff size, physician mix, the scope of services, accreditation, awards, ownership status, etc. It is important to review the organization’s Vision, Mission, and Values with the board as a transition to specifying the service area’s characteristics. It is important to define the characteristics of the service and review the priority health service needs. Use the most recently available Community Needs Assessment report. This
section is to provide an objective review of the hospital and its defined service area – no evaluative comments should be included. The Introduction is also a benchmark created for the trustees – a
foundation upon which you will use strengths to discuss a positive impact on the community. Weaknesses will be used to identify distractions from the service mission plus opportunities for
improvement in 2021.

B. Performance Strengths
The report’s premise is that fiscal strengths reflect executive stewardship of resources – thereby supporting the fulfillment of the organization’s mission. Use this section to highlight fiscal strengths as displayed in a) service statistics and b) measured fiscal ratios for 2020. Since you are the “as if” CFO or CEO, it will be left to you which fiscal detail/ratios you use to support your positive summary. In the Graduate Assignment Module, I’ve included an expanded list of ratios to consider for this analysis.

C. Performance Weaknesses
A countervailing purpose of this year-end report is to alert the trustees to fiscal shortcomings because, individually and collectively, they dilute/diminish the hospital’s accountability for the health status of its service area. Your review of weaknesses should be followed by a summary of performance improvement recommendations. Since, as the quasi CFO/CEO, these limitations reflect on your stewardship, your goal is to encourage the trustees that you know what to do in 2021.



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