Analytic Hierarchy Process


Based on the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) that you learned in this course, conduct a project for a realistic application of quantitative analysis to your business or personal decisions.The term paper for this project should include: (1) A one-page description of your problem and its importance (10%). (2) A one-page discussion of the solution procedure and the rationale (10%) (3) One or more pages of presentation of your results (40%) (4) One or more pages of discussion of your insights, critique, and possible expansion for the application (40%). The term paper will be subjectively evaluated by the instructor on the basis of – Originality and relevance of the problem – Clarity and accuracy of the problem formulation – Correctness of the results – Depth of insights from the experience and creativity in the expansion of the application.
‘Note: Attached below is a sample paper. The project should be written follow the same pattern of this example”

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