Analytical report of educational practices


This task is linked to learning outcomes: 1. link theoretical knowledge on child development to curriculum design and pedagogical practices 2. apply theoretical knowledge to support the developmental and learning needs of diverse children. 3. This assignment involves the report and evaluation of ONE observed focus child from your placement at a long day care /kindergarten for Early years students(3-5 years old) in relation to how educational practices can impact on the child’s development. To conclude the report, reflect on your role as a teacher as to how a particular theoretical perspective (s) can help you to plan and provide enhanced learning opportunities for the focus child in relation to the gaps in learning that you have previously identified. Make references to relevant curriculum documents e.g. VEYLDF, EYLF, NQS, or AusVELS to support your plans and strategies for teaching.?Just imagine a child from 3-5 years old in the children’s centre, and applying the theories to the child) -The assignment must be presented as an essay using subheadings as appropriate. The essay must have an introduction, main content area, conclusion and references in an APA format.

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