Analyze This Diet

You are going to analyze Amy’s diet in this activity using mostly nutrition math. You need to understand and
know how to change the information presented to you here into percentages, grams, and kcal. All you need to
do is know how to apply the following formula. All you need is your calculator, your textbook as a reference,
and the excel spreadsheet (Analyze This Diet.xlsx) that is provided in the link on this page
one gram of carbohydrate = 4 kcal
one gram of protein = 4 kcal
one gram of fat = 9 kcal.
1 How many grams of carbohydrate is in the banana that Amy ate on this day? just that the numeric answer.
Do not include g, or gram, or calories, Just the digits alone.
2How many calories is in the seared salmon that Amy ate on this day? just that the numeric answer. Do not
include g, or gram, or calories, Just the digits alone.
3How many grams of fat is in the feta cheese that Amy ate on this day? just write the numeric answer. Do not
include g, or gram, or calories, Just the digits alone.
4How many calories is in the Lindt dark chocolate that Amy ate on this day? just write the numeric answer. Do

not include g, or gram, or calories, Just the digits alone.
5How many grams of fat is in the whole milk that Amy ate on this day? just write the numeric answer. Do not
include g, or gram, or calories, Just the digits alone.
6How many total calories did Amy consumed on this day? just write the numeric answer. Do not include g, or
gram, or calories, Just the digits alone.
If the recommended intake of daily calories for Amy is 2,000 calories per day, how many calories is Amy over
or under her recommended intake based on her food recall? write your answer in this form (+130 or -150 (this
is just an example neither of this is the correct answer. You will have to complete the calculation) . Do not put
any space between the – or + and the number in your response. Do not include g, or gram, or calories.
8What percentage of Amy’s diet is coming from fat? just write the numeric answer. Do not include g, or gram,
calories , %, or percentage. Just the digits alone. You may round up or down to the nearest whole number
9What percentage of Amy’s diet is coming from protein? just write the numeric answer. Do not include g, or
gram, calories , %, or percentage. Just the digits alone. You may round up or down to the nearest whole
10What percentage of Amy’s diet is coming from carbohydrates? just write the numeric answer. Do not include
g, or gram, calories , %, or percentage. Just the digits alone. You may round up or down to the nearest whole
11What percentage of Amy’s diet is coming from saturated fat? Just write the numeric answer. Do not include
g, or gram, calories , %, or percentage. Just the digits alone. You may round up or down to the nearest whole
12Is Amy’s percentage of calories coming from fat, protein, and carbohydrates within the Acceptable
Macronutrient Distrubution Ranges (AMDR)? write 1 for yes, or 2 for no.
13One pound of fat contains 3,500 calories. If you want to lose 25 pounds, for example, how many calories is
that? Just write the numeric answer. Do not include g, or gram, calories , %, or percentage. Just the digits
alone. You may round up or down to the nearest whole number
14What is the maximum recommended intake of cholesterol for everyone regardless of caloric intake? just
write the numeric answer. Do not include g, or gram, mg, calories , %, or percentage. Just the digits alone. You
may round up or down to the nearest whole number
15How many mg of cholesterol did Amy consumed on this day? just write the numeric answer. Do not include
g, or gram, mg, calories , %, or percentage. Just the digits alone. You may round up or down to the nearest
whole number

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