Analyzing 2 dances.

Write a 4-paragraph essay analyzing 2 dances.
1) (paragraph 1) Define dance, you can use your own definition or quote someone but make sure you refer to your source. If you use a source make sure to cite it APA or MLA within the text and create a work cited page with the full citation APA or MLA. State that you watched the Taiwanese Modern Dance video and choose 2 dances to critique. Indicate the titles of the dance (put titles in italics) and what they signify.
2)(paragraph 2 and 3) Write a paragraph for each dance. Refer to the title and put the title in italics or quotation marks. Analyze the dances from an artistic perspective. Listen to the choreographer Lin Hai-min’s explanation of the dances and also draw from your own background, experience and understanding of life. You may do research looking for the full dance on Youtube.
a.Does the dance display an emotion? Describe the emotion and how it makes you feel.
b.Does the dance express any aspect of society? What era is it from, present, past, future? Describe it.
c.What type of movement and gestures were used to express the concept of the dance?
d.Did the production elements (set, lighting, music, or sound) contribute to the overall concept of the dance?

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