An Impossible Dream?



What’s wrong with the team? What’s wrong with the team? Zequine Mansell’s words repeated over
and over in Allen Block’s head as he boarded the plane from Los Angeles to Chicago.
Block was responsible for the technical implementation of the new customer relationship
management (CRM) software being installed for western and eastern sales offices in both cities. The
software was badly needed to improve follow-up sales for his company, Exert Systems. Exert sold
exercise equipment to high schools and colleges, as well as to small and midsized businesses for
recreation centers, through a national force of 310 salespeople. The company’s low prices won a lot
of sales; however, follow-up service was uneven, and the new CRM system promised to resolve
those problems with historical data, inquiries, reminders, and updates going to sales reps daily. The
CEO of Exert ordered the CRM system installed with all possible haste.
Block pulled a yellow pad and pen from the side pocket of his carry-on bag and tossed it in the seat
beside the window, stashed the bag in the overhead compartment, and sat down as other
passengers filed past. In an effort to shut out his thoughts, he closed his eyes and con- centrated on
the muffled voices and low whooshing sound of the air vents. An image appeared in his mind of his
promotion to Mansell’s job when she retired in two years. He blocked that thought and started
doodling on the pad as a way of focusing his thoughts.
He wrote what’s wrong with the team three times and began drawing arrows to circles bearing the
names of his team members: Barry Livingston and Max Wojohowski in Los Angeles and Bob Finley,
Lynne Johnston, and Sally Phillips in Chicago. He marked through Sally’s name. She had jumped ship
recently, taking her less-than-stellar but much-needed talents with her to another company. It was
on a previous LA–Chicago flight that Sally had pumped him for feedback on her future with Exert.
She had informed him that she had another job offer. She admitted it was less money, but she was
feeling under pressure as a member of the team and she wanted more ‘‘quality of life.’’ Block told
Sally bluntly that her technical expertise, on which he placed top importance, was slightly below
that of her peers, so future promotion was less likely despite her impressive people and team skills.
He wrote ‘‘quality of life,’’ circled it, and then crossed it out and wrote ‘‘what the hell?’’ Why should
she get quality of life? he mused. I’ve barely seen my wife and kids since this project started. Block’s
team was under a great deal of pressure, and he had needed Sally to stick it out. He told her so, but
the plane had barely touched down when she went directly to the office and quit, leaving the team
short-handed and too close to deadline to add another body.
What’s wrong with the team? Block furiously scribbled as his thoughts raced: (1) The deadline is
ridiculously short. Mansell had scheduled a 10-week completion deadline for the new CRM
software, including installation and training for both cities.
He was interrupted by the stewardess. ‘‘Would you care for a drink, sir?’’
‘‘Yes. Just water.’’
Block took a sip and continued to write. (2) Thank God for LA. From the outset, Barry
and Max had worked feverishly while avoiding the whining and complaining that seemed to
overwhelm members of the Chicago team. The atmosphere was different. Although the pro- ject
moved forward, meeting deadlines, there appeared to be less stress. The LA guys focused tirelessly
on work, with no families to consider, alternating intense work with joking around. ‘‘Those are my
kind of people,’’ he thought. (3) But there is Chicago, he wrote. Earlier in the day Sam Matheny from
sales had e-mailed, then called Block to tell him the two remaining members of the Chicago team
appeared to be alternating between bickering and avoiding one another. Apparently this had been
going on for some time. What’s with that? Block won- dered. And why did Sam know and I didn’t?
So that morning, before his flight, Block had to make time to call and text both Finley and Johnston.
Finley admitted he had overreacted to Johnston.
‘‘Look, man. I’m tired and stressed out. We’ve been working non-stop. My wife is not happy.’’
‘‘Just get along until this project is completed,’’ Block ordered.
‘‘When will that be?’’ Finley asked before hanging up.
Block thought about Mansell’s persistent complaints to him that the team appeared
to have a lack of passion, and she admonished him to ‘‘get your people to understand the urgency of
this project.’’ Her complaints only added to his own stress level. He had long con- sidered himself
the frontrunner for Mansell’s job when she retired in two years. But had his team ruined that
dream? The sense of urgency could be measured now in the level of stress and the long hours they
had all endured. He admitted his team members were unenthusiastic, but they seemed committed.
Is it too late to turn around and restore the level of teamwork? He tore off the sheet from the pad,
crumpled it in his hand, and stared out the window.
1. How would you characterize Block’s leadership approach (task versus
people)? What approach do you think is correct for this situation? Why?
2. What would you do now if you were Block? How might you awaken more
enthusiasm in your team for completing this project on time? Specify the steps
you would take.
3. How would you suggest that Block modify his leadership style if he wants to
succeed Mansell in two years?


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