Anishinaabe Social Issues

Part 1: Social Issue Analysis (3-4 pages, double spaced, size 12 font)

Choose one of the options below to write a short paper that draws on what we have discussed and learned throughout the term. Reference course texts (readings and/or videos) and concepts. Ensure the paper is organized with an introduction (tell me what you are going to say, what are your main point[s]), and a conclusion (remind me of what you said, what were your main point[s]).

Option A: Choose an Indigenous meme

• Why did you choose this meme? Who created it, and who is the audience?
• What social issue(s) are addressed here? What is your interpretation of the message, and the social/political analysis presented by the author?
• How does this meme do Anishinaabe diagnostics? Does it get at the roots of the social issue(s)?
• How does the meme, and its analysis, relate to the course texts and concepts?

Option B: Choose a social issue

• What is the social issue you have chosen, and why?
• Taking an Anishinaabe Studies (/culture-based) approach to this issue, what are its roots? How does this issue relate to the structures of colonialism and racism?
• What in Anishinaabe society has been disrupted and displaced by this issue? (Thinking of going deeper, beyond that it began in colonialism – what was before, that needs to be restored?)
• What are some of the values, methods or approaches that could be helpful in addressing this issue? This could be at individual, family, community, and/or national levels. Do you have any ideas, that would support change grounded in who we are not what has happened to us ?
• Relate your analysis to course texts (readings and/or videos).

Part 2: Summative Reflection (1-2 pages, double spaced)

Discuss your learning this term. What was useful or meaningful? What would help you to learn better, or would help you to participate more in this format of course delivery (video lectures/online/distance)?

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