IMPORTANT: You MUST select a technology topic from the topics list. Using an unapproved topic not from the list will be a fifty point deduction off the assignment grade.
Each student will research and identify 8 relevant and reputable information sources for their topic. These eight sources should demonstrate:
• Your ability to identify scholarly as well as non-scholarly sources relevant to your topic. (Minimum of 1 scholarly source, but no more than 5.)
• Your ability to identify video and audio materials relevant to your topic. (Minimum of 2 video sources, but no more than 4.)
• Your ability to identify sources that are primarily oriented towards reporting statistical data. These are sources that rely primarily on the reporting of numbers to make their arguments clear to their readers. (Minimum of 2 statistical sources, but no more than 4.)
• Your ability to identify a range of credible outlets of information. Repeating the same publication for multiple sources will result in 5-25 points being deducted depending on how frequently you repeat the material. It is OK to get sources from the same platform (such as YouTube or Statista), but not the same author or channel.
The first page of your Annotated Bibliography should begin with the title of your chosen topic and Your Name (e.g., Designer Genetics – Annotated Bibliography by Mary Smith).
The first paragraph of your Annotated Bibliography should present a brief overview of your topic and then introduce two questions you think are potentially interesting enough to answer with regards to this topic. Be sure to include a sentence or two explaining why you think these questions are interesting or useful to answer.

After your introductory paragraph, list out the eight information sources in alphabetical order following the example provided below.

Sample Annotated Bibliography Entry following APA style:
Murphy, H. (2019, January 21). Coming Soon to a Police Station Near You: The DNA ‘Magic Box’. New York Times. Retrieved from: (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

This newspaper article will be useful in addressing the challenges of introducing new technology into the criminal justice system. The article describes the use of Rapid DNA machines which permit the analysis and evaluation of DNA systems by police departments without needing to send samples out to external labs. This technology can provide reports on evidence collected at crime scenes much more quickly, but experts point to potential issues with samples collected in problematic fashions. Data collected on innocent parties is also likely to remain linked to criminal investigations. The New York Times, who published the article, is a trusted news outlet; and the article references several experts in the field in its coverage and provides their institutional affiliations to document their expertise. While the Times is a commercial publisher, there is no apparent financial benefit on conflict apparent with the article’s publication. The indications are strong that the information provided is accurate. The article was published in 2019 on the NYT website, which makes it current for the topic of genetic analysis.

Each of the ten information source annotations are to include the following:
• Citation formatted according to APA (6th edition) style.
• Annotation with full bibliographic information containing the following:
o Summary of the article (or video/audio) that includes a description of the article or video. (Note: the summary must be paraphrased in your own words. Do not use direct quotes from the information source!)
o Relevance of information source (How is the information source – article or video – directly relevant to your topic? Why did you choose this source? Support how this source is relevant.)
o Accuracy and currency of information source (Is the information in the source accurate and up-to-date?)
o Quality of the information (Is the information source objective and reliable? Does the author possess credentials or experiences that would provide authority on this topic?)
NOTE: Each annotation is at least 5-7 sentences in length.
For an example of what a finished bibliography would look like, see this .pdf of a sample . This sample includes correct APA citations for ten real sources that include examples of the kinds of sources you’re required to find for this assignment, but has mocked up text for the introduction and annotations which would need to be replaced with your own written analyses.
• Creating an Annotated Bibliography (with samples) by Trinity University’s Coates Library; (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• Creating APA Annotated Bibliographies (with samples) by Bethel University Library; (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• Annotated Bibliographies by The OWL at Purdue Online Writing Lab; (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.
• The Owl at Purdue Creating an APA Reference List: Electronic Sources (this is a useful resource for preparing an electronic database source such as a journal article in the Reference List); (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Select ONE emerging technology innovation as the topic. You may choose to use the same topic for your infographic if you wish.
You will also identify ONE question for inquiry as the primary focus of your selected emerging technology innovation topic.
The following are possible topics that can be selected for the Annotated Bibliography (and can be used for the Infographic as well):
Note: Some of the topics below are too broad in nature and will need to be narrowed by identifying a subtopic (for example, “Artificial Intelligence” is too broad but “Artificial Intelligence in Medical Instrument Design” is a better fit).
• Artificial intelligence
• Wearable devices
• Organs-on-chips
• Augmented reality (AR)/virtual reality (VR)
• Robotics
• Drones (surveillance, delivery, personal and commercial)
• Sensors (embedded, nanosensors, the Internet of Nanothings, etc.)
• Internet of things (feedback devices; big data; smart sensors, cameras, software, databases, and massive data centers in a world-spanning information fabric)
• Implantable nanochips
• Smart houses
• Contactless information sharing (e.g., QR Codes, NFC)
• 3D printing
• Home security/personal security
• Next-generation batteries
• Blockchain
• Intelligent analytical mapping
• Other topic as approved by the instructor (must be approved before 6/3)
Industry Related to the Technology Topic
To help you brainstorm and narrow the scope of your technology topic, you may want to consider a specific industry for your selected technology topic, such as the following:
• Retail stores or online retail
• Real estate
• Electronics & technology
• Food & beverage
• Banking and finance
• Publishing
• Automotive
• Health care and medical
• Childcare
• Cosmetics/beauty
• Exercise and weight-loss
• Transportation
• Manufacturing
• Pharmaceutical
• Agriculture
• Legal & politics
• Environment and energy
• Government
• Service-oriented
• Education/Training (K-12, college, online, corporate training, vocational training)
• Social relations (e.g., online dating)
• Public relations, marketing, advertising
• Entertainment and leisure
• Sports
• Other industry/sector
Reviewing your proposed topic with your IA and/or the instructor is highly recommended! We’ve read more of these assignments than students have and have a pretty clear idea of what is a workable topic.

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