Anthem – Ayn Rand – Careful Scripting

write an imaginary dialogue between Equality 7-2521 and International 4-8818.
Consider it to be an argument between characters over two important issues arising from Parts 2-5: Liberty 5-3000 and Equality’s discoveries.
How would International react as Equality told him what he had discovered?
Your final dialogue should be about two pages long. Follow basic conventions for dialogue writing, as you would read in a play. (Capitalize the character’s name, and start their speech on a new line. No quotation marks. Start each character’s lines like this. Don’t worry about writing stage directions or effects – just write the dialogue.)
You might review Equality and International’s argument over Equality’s tunnel from Part One to help you set an appropriate tone in your script.

Part B – Reflection
Write a paragraph in which you reflect on any challenges you faced regarding vocabulary choices or your writing style.

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