Apex global company


The report serves as the intern’s synopsis and final evaluation of the internship experience.
1 The report should be around 4000 words long that is, approximately 10 word-processed pages.
2 Name of the host organization, name and e-mail details of the on-site supervisor, dates of employment, and your full name and ID must appear on a cover page.
3 You must deal with four issues in the report.
a. Describe the host organization. You need to refer to its background, history, type of activities/business, organizational structure, staff, and facilities. This should be done in around 600 words.
b. Describe your work experiences and give details of a typical day/week at work. Be as specific as possible. This should take about 700 words.
c. Evaluate your internship. Here you can refer to the practical value of knowledge and experience and discuss whether you had the opportunity to apply knowledge from the courses studied at AUD to the work environment. Give specific examples how material studied in a course were applied to your work or, perhaps, how what you studied in your courses differed compared to the real work experience. Were you sufficiently challenged during the internship or was it something that anyone, even less qualified than you, could have done? Allow about 2000 words for this. The above is the most important part of the report
d. Provide suggestions for improving the internship and make it an even more rewarding experience. What else you would have wished your internship to include? About 700 words for this.

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