Application of Crisis Theory and Resiliency Theory to a Case Study

It is common for social workers to be presented with a crisis situation brought forth by clients, families, communities, and/or organizations. The ultimate goal is to restore the client to equilibrium. The five stages of the crisis are (1) the hazardous event, (2) the vulnerable stage, (3) the precipitating factor, (4) the state of active crisis, and (5) the reintegration or crisis resolution phase. There are times when a social worker will use more than one theory to assist in conceptualizing the problem and intervention, particularly if the theories complement each other. For example, resiliency theory can be used alongside crisis theory. To prepare: Review and focus on the same case study Tiffani Bradley pg. 2 please see attached case study. Submit a case write-up that addresses the following: • Map the client’s crisis using the five stages of the crisis. (Listed above) • Describe the client’s assets and resources (in order to understand the client’s resilience). • Describe how you, the social worker, will intervene to assist the client to reach the reintegration stage of the crisis. Be sure that the intervention promotes resiliency. • Evaluate how using crisis theory and resiliency theory together help in working with a client. Be sure to: • Identify and correctly reference the case study you have chosen. • Use literature to support your claims. • Use APA formatting and style. o Remember to double-space your paper. I have attached reference material to use in this paper please see the uploads please use the references attached Additional information please use Turner, F. J. (Ed.). (2017). Social work treatment: Interlocking theoretical approaches (6th ed.). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. • Chapter 7: Social Work Theory and Practice for Crisis, Disaster, and Trauma (pp. 117–130) • Chapter 29: Resiliency Theory and Social Work Practice (pp. 441–451) WRITER, PLEASE SEE BELOW PLEASE SEE THE PROFESSOR’S FINDINGS/ COMMENTS FROM A PREVIOUS PAPER Ellis: Your reference is not in correct APA format. This is graduate school; so, I do appreciate the manner by which you explain things. However, be mindful that in your attempt to answer questions with such an academic tone that you are not accidentally “sidestepping” the answer to what is being asked. When you are asked application questions in Graduate Social Work courses…please do utilize the academic verbiage. BUT…you must also explain the verbiage you are using and ensure that you are applying said verbiage. “why is there a problem associated with defining Tiffany’s problem?” Would you really ask a 16year old child that? No…you would not. So, present things academically but do not forget that we are also training you to be a practitioner; therefore, I want to see practicality and application in your work. The presenting problem may also be that the client’s family system has failed to teach her the definition of love and safe relationships. As the social worker, you may need to assist the client in defining love and safety while analyzing her current relationships against her nuanced definitions.

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