Applied Macroeconomic Case study

You will be assigned Case Study Reports throughout the short semester. The topics selected may or may not
relate to that week’s reading but will be related to economics.This is to gauge your general understanding of
the current economic events that take place every day in our lives. It is to force you to think out of the box;
broaden your horizon and to do some research besides reviewing your text book. Instructions:1. Write 4-5
pages on the given topic.2. You can include addendums but that will not be considered as a part of the
report.3. Please use 11-12 font size.4. Attach your report via BB; open the folder and there is an option to
attach your report.Review the topic given below and then add your comments. Topic: Develop a Case Study on
the following topic:The Role of “the World Bank” and “the European Bank” under the following heading:1.
Functions of both the banks2. Monetary policies adopted between 2000 to 20153. Role of Interest Rates in the
World economy4. Impact of Monetary policies on Developing and Developed countriesImportant

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