Apply theory


Apply theory
• What would you do and why?
• No theory definition
• Use insight and explain why this insight
• Logical structure
• Underline the concept
• Explain how it is more effective
• Provide strategy based on your analysis
• Explore various options and consider purpose

• “bad apple” theory,
• The Five Traits of Highly Adaptive Leadership Teams
• Kolb’s learning theory

• virtual team challenge,
• social identity,
• ethical decision making,
• conflict high and low context,
• diversity and workplace environment
• inclusive leadership
• Emotional engagement
• institutional logic
• external and inside change


You were recently appointed to the role of Leadership Development Advisor in a multinational enterprise. You landed the job, because of your experience in leading teams. Your task is to build a successful team that will implement a new change initiative within the organization. Your designated teammates are coming from locations all over the world and have diverse professional backgrounds ranging from programmer to social scientist.
1. Present your plan for building a successful and well-performing team using insights from classes. What initiatives would you want to take and why?
2. What will be your approach to dealing with implementing change within your multinational enterprise? What steps will you and your team take and why?
What theories and concepts from lectures and readings would you apply and why (explain what effect, e.g. change in attitudes, perceptions, behaviours you expect by including each theory or concept). In total, include at least 10 insights from the unit:
• at least 5 theories/concepts from the lectures
• at least 5 theories/concepts from the readings
You do not need to define the terms and concepts you are using. Instead, you should apply them in a meaningful way, with sufficient depth that allows the reader to understand the rationale for your decision.
Please underline the selected concepts/theories.

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