Applying Quality Management

1.Using intermediate goals to better understand the problem,
2.Being aware of implicit goals,
3.Refining, revising and reformulating as needed,
4.Using multiple goals to recognize system relationships

select one of the numbers above and defend why they feel it is the most important. Students should use at least one “real life” example (either hypothetically, makeup a situation or use a recent news story) to support their claim.

Keep in mind there is no right or wrong answer to this question.

Here is an abbreviated example of a response. “I believe “refining, revising and reformulating” is the most important focal point of the items listed. A good example of this is the start of the Detroit Pistons’ 2017/2018 Basketball season. The team started began the season being first in their division with 14 wins and just 6 losses. After that, they endured 7 straight losses because other teams had cracked the code on their success formula. Following the 7 game losing streak, coach Stan Van Gundy, revamped the starting lineup, and since then, the team has had 6 wins and just 2 losses. Adjustments will continue to be made during the season if the team wants to achieve their ultimate goal of winning a championship.”

(15 of 30 points) Chapter 8 in the course textbook discusses creating a supportive culture and teams in healthcare. For this portion of the assignment, talk about one of your favorite teams and why you feel it is successful. This can be a team that you are currently part of at work, school club, a volunteer organization (i.e. church choir), or even a sports team (do we have any FIU basketball or football players in the house? –LOL). Use the 4 questions on page 128 of the course textbook to leverage your response:
What is the purpose of the team?
What is the ideal step-by-step process or approach to achieve that purpose?
What is the most appropriate structure to support and carry out that process?
How does the team define and measure success?

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