Applying Servant Leadership


Read Mark 3:13-19
This passage of scripture puts us on the scene where Jesus, after having prayed on the mountainside appoints his twelve disciples that would be the foundation of his church.
I am interested in this passage because the title of topic four is Leading Others as a Servant Leader. Jesus led these men in some unfavorable times, influenced by external and internal factors. I am purely speculating here, but I would imagine that there were times when the twelve disciples were difficult to lead. Or perhaps, there must have been occasions when the twelve disciples didn’t believe in him. Sound familiar?
Please pick one:

  1. Have you ever been in a leadership role, and it was a challenge to lead your team members (i.e., tried to undermine your authority, closed minded, self-centered)? What did you do about it? Cite some examples that relate to servant leadership principles that Jesus used?
  2. Have you ever been in a leadership role where you did not have the confidence of those you led? What did you do about it? Cite some examples that relate to servant leadership principles that Jesus used?

Note Well: No abstract, no running head, no # page, no cover page. Thank you.

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