
Climate change has often been linked to the collapse of past societies around the world, with the ancient Maya being a particularlywell-studied example. For this essay, answer the question “Did climate change cause the collapse of Classic Maya society?” In the essay, consider not just climate, but also other factors such as warfare and deforestation, and argue for or against climate change being the most important factor in the demise of Classic Maya society.

Use these as part of the sources list:
Douglas, Peter M.J., Arthur A. Demarest, Mark Brenner, and Marcello A. Canuto. 2016. Impacts of Climate Change on the Collapse of Lowland Maya Civilization.Annual Review of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Volume 44, pp. 613-645.

Wylie,Robin. 2016. “Severe Droughts Explain the Mysterious Fall of the Maya”.BBC. February 22, 2016.

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