Are women better leaders?




THE THEME SOULD BE HANDEL ABOUT ARE WOMEN BETTER LEADERS? I send comments which our lector focus on. Last year, in very few cases students did not provide a scientific essay (either not using any literature at all, only non-scientific internet sources, or listing a few references without indicating their use in the text). In these cases I rejected the essay as being non-scientific and therefore not meeting the exam requirements. Structure of the essay: One of the materials provided in Blackboard says: “(E)ssays should make an argument: your essay should have a point and reach a conclusion, even if tentative, and you should try to convince the reader that your point is correct.” o Statement: From the above it becomes clear that you need to provide a clear statement about the point that your essay is going to make. Without such a statement it will be impossible for me to evaluate whether your main section convincingly argues for your statement and whether your conclusion connects to the purpose of your essay. o Main part of the text: Please note that the following statements require different ways of argumentations in the main part of the essay: • “I argue that gender has nothing to do with good leadership.”, • “Women are better leaders depending on the situation.” • “Asking whether women are better leaders is meaningless since such a question only serves reinforcing the use of gender stereotypes.” o Conclusion: ‘Does the conclusion connect to the statement?’, will be the question that I ask here. Or does that final part of the essay draw a conclusion unrelated to the statement made in the introduction or unrelated to what has been written in the main section? o List of references: I do not prefer any particular style but I argue that a scientific essay requires a list of references that adheres to scientific standards. I download a list of our curriculum. The topic is what essay should handel about. Its is important to have a good essay and the number of references is a proposal. The most important is to get an interessant essay. I have send an exampel of 2 good essay and one a bad essay. We get it from our lektor Max. 6 pages, excl. list of references.

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