Argumentative Essay about Sea world


Write a 4 – 5 page essay (1000 – 1250 words) on a controversial issue. Learn more about the issue, and take a position on it. Present the issue to readers, and develop an argument for the purpose of confirming, challenging, or changing your readers’ views on the issue.

This essay requires use of at least two outside sources with proper MLA or APA documentation style (which means in-text citations as well as Works Cited or References).

Here are some additional guidelines:

  1. Give your essay a meaningful title.
  2. Double-space the essay.
  3. If you borrow material from any sources, cite it in proper MLA or APA style.
  4. Beware of using “you” and “your” (second person, in other words). This is usually considered too informal for academic style.
  5. Using “I”/”me” (first person) is entirely appropriate if you appear in the essay.
  6. Be sure that your essay answers these three questions for readers: 1. What are you trying to prove? 2. Why should we believe you? 3. Why should we care?
  7. Present a thesis statement early in the essay (this usually answers the question “What are you trying to prove?”). The end of the intro paragraph is the most common place for the thesis statement.

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