Argumentative Position Paper

Research a Justice and Law Administration topic (see suggested list for possible ideas- your topic does not have to be one on this list), create a thesis statement and provide support for your position.

Possible Topics:
Double Jeopardy
Expert Witnesses
Plea Bargaining
Mandatory Sentencing
Police Interrogation
Sentencing Guidelines, Reforms, Mandatory Minimums
Police Officers and Body Cameras
Prisoner Reentry- Community supervision, employment, substance use, barriers to reentry
Racial Profiling- Antiterrorism, immigration
Police Culture
Police Training/Corrections Training
Use of Deadly Force
The paper must have at least six source documents. Use quotes and citations in the body of the paper and include works cited. The paper must be in APA format.

The paper must be a minimum of 2,000 words. A paper that is composed in Times New-Roman font style with a font size of 12 and single spaced lines should be approximately 1.3 printed pages (standard 8.5 x 11 paper size). For this course, please use a font size of 12 as a standard. Times New-Roman is preferred, but not mandatory. All papers should be double spaced between lines of text to allow for editing notes.

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