Aristotle Contributions

Aristotle Contributions

The post has two asighnments

1:Aristotle Contributions

Write a two page essay about the contributions Aristotle brought to math. No specific font, format, etc.

2: Nurse-patient ratio policy and the effect on quality and safety of care

Order Description

Write a 2- to 3-page paper utilizing the health care policy you selected.
Respond to the following prompts:

1. In what ways does your policy address safety, quality, or improved outcomes of care for patients?
2. Does your policy do an effective job of addressing the issue? Why or why not? Be specific and use examples.
3. Explain the role of the nurse in addressing the quality and safety standards within your policy.
4. Based on your assessment of the effectiveness of your policy on patient safety and quality of care, as well as your research from Weeks 1 and 2, what position do you plan to take? Be specific on your viewpoint and reasoning.

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