Art Appreciation

How did we get from Renaissance to Pop Art? How have artists evolved to create artwork that is so seemingly different from each period in art history to the next? This evolution often occurs from taking pieces of one style and continuing to expand it until the style resembles something different. Other times, it’s a purposeful antagonistic reaction and rebellion. For example, Jackson Pollack is famous for his artwork that resembles paint being dripped and dropped all over the canvas. To the novice observer, the response is often “my child could create that”. However, Pollack was deliberate in his approach and method. He also admired and was influenced by artists that created artwork completely different than what he made so iconic. Pollock was influenced by Native American art, the Old Masters, sculpture and muralists to name a few.
Trace back similarities and differences between styles throughout history. Understanding the interconnectivity as well as the variances when comparing styles can help us appreciate the global, historical, and stylistic perspective of each genre.

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