Art History

Select any ONE of the following five videos representing early civilizations studied during these two weeks, including prehistory, ancient Egypt, Greece, China, and West Africa (Mali).
Watch your select video AND one other video of your choice and answer the question (see below) in a minimum of 300 words.

While these early civilizations seem so unlike our own, like us, the men and women of ancient Egypt, Greece, and China, among others, made images, objects and spaces that reflected their religious beliefs, sense of identity and family, standards of beauty, and political aspirations, among other subjects. According to the video and your own observations, what does your select artwork communicate to the viewer and in what ways does it visually show this? What does it say about the period and/or culture who made it? How would you compare this representation of masculinity, femininity, religious devotion, self or family with images of the same subjects today?




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