What to Do
Step One: Choose one of these recent articles/podcasts (again, pick one that’s interesting to you!)
John P. Davidson, “You Rang? Mastering the Art of Serving the Rich (https://harpers.org/archive/2014/01/yourang/?
single=1) ” (pairs well with issues in the “Discourse…”)
Nick Paumgarten, “Dead Air: The Rise and Fall of a SportsRadio Star
(https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/04/15/theriseandfallofanewyorkshockjock) ” (pairs well with issues in the
Joshua Rothman, “Decide Wisely: The Art of DecisionMaking
(https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2019/01/21/theartofdecisionmaking?reload=true) ” (pairs well with issues in
Backstory, “The Melting Pot (https://www.backstoryradio.org/shows/themeltingpot/#segments) ” (pairs well with
issues in Passing)
Hidden Brain, “Good Old Days (https://www.npr.org/2017/10/16/558055384/nostalgiaisntjustafixationonthepastitcanbeaboutthefuturetoo) ” (pairs well with issues in the Daodejing and the “Discourse on Happiness”)
This American Life, “Hoaxing Yourself (https://www.thisamericanlife.org/660/hoaxingyourself) ” (pairs well with issues
in the “Discourse on Happiness” and Passing)
Step Two: Read/Listen to It, Analyze It
As you read/listen, here are some questions to guide you to prepare you to write your essay. (Important: your essay is
not just your answers to these questions; rather, they’re meant to prepare you to write).
- What is the subject the article/podcast is addressing? What are its major themes?
- How does the article/podcast approach these issues? How is it structured? What kinds of evidence does it use?
Whose voices/perspectives does it include? - Does the article/podcast seem to be advocating a particular position? Or does it merely seek to inform?
- How is the discussion of an issue in the article/podcast similar to or different from the way the issue is discussed in
one of our readings.
Step Three: Write Your Essay
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Response Essays
Essays should be approximately 1200 words (four typed, doublespaced pages). They should use the article/podcast
you picked as well as one of our assigned readings from units 711 (you may not use Gilgamesh, Ecclesiastes, or
the Apology). Your essay should make an argument that connects the two sources.
Tips for Writing a Successful Essay
Have a Strong Introduction/Thesis Statement that Connects the Article/Podcast and Assigned Reading
Briefly introduce what the sources are
Explain the themes/issues they share in common
Make an argument about how the theme is treated similarly/differently:
Example of a strong thesis: “Both the article and the Epic of Gilgamesh suggest that material possessions are a
key ingredient for a good life. But while Gilgamesh argues that these possessions are essential for happiness,
the article’s author insists that they actually make life worse.”
Example of a mediocre thesis: “The article and the Epic of Gilgamesh offer different perspectives on the value of
material possessions for a good life.”
Example of a weak thesis: “Both the article and the Epic of Gilgamesh discuss material possessions
Use Evidence from Both Sources
Use quotes from both the assigned reading and article/podcast (use transcripts of podcasts to find quotes)
Avoid unnecessary summary to set up the quotes (assume I know context)
Keep quotes under ~3 lines
Ask for Help!
Ask questions!
Email or set up a Google Hangouts call to discuss ideas, outlines, etc.
Comments on drafts with 48 hours notice.
Extensions of up to one week.
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