Article Analysis

What to Do
Step One: Choose one of these recent articles/podcasts (again, pick one that’s interesting to you!)
John P. Davidson, “You Rang? Mastering the Art of Serving the Rich (­rang/?
single=1) ” (pairs well with issues in the “Discourse…”)
Nick Paumgarten, “Dead Air: The Rise and Fall of a Sports­Radio Star
(­rise­and­fall­of­a­new­york­shock­jock) ” (pairs well with issues in the
Joshua Rothman, “Decide Wisely: The Art of Decision­Making
(­art­of­decision­making?reload=true) ” (pairs well with issues in
Backstory, “The Melting Pot (­melting­pot/#segments) ” (pairs well with
issues in Passing)
Hidden Brain, “Good Old Days (­isnt­just­a­fixation­on­the­past­itcan­be­about­the­future­too) ” (pairs well with issues in the Daodejing and the “Discourse on Happiness”)
This American Life, “Hoaxing Yourself (­yourself) ” (pairs well with issues
in the “Discourse on Happiness” and Passing)
Step Two: Read/Listen to It, Analyze It
As you read/listen, here are some questions to guide you to prepare you to write your essay. (Important: your essay is
not just your answers to these questions; rather, they’re meant to prepare you to write).

  1. What is the subject the article/podcast is addressing? What are its major themes?
  2. How does the article/podcast approach these issues? How is it structured? What kinds of evidence does it use?
    Whose voices/perspectives does it include?
  3. Does the article/podcast seem to be advocating a particular position? Or does it merely seek to inform?
  4. How is the discussion of an issue in the article/podcast similar to or different from the way the issue is discussed in
    one of our readings.
    Step Three: Write Your Essay
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    Response Essays
    Essays should be approximately 1200 words (four typed, double­spaced pages). They should use the article/podcast
    you picked as well as one of our assigned readings from units 7­11 (you may not use Gilgamesh, Ecclesiastes, or
    the Apology). Your essay should make an argument that connects the two sources.
    Tips for Writing a Successful Essay
    Have a Strong Introduction/Thesis Statement that Connects the Article/Podcast and Assigned Reading
    Briefly introduce what the sources are
    Explain the themes/issues they share in common
    Make an argument about how the theme is treated similarly/differently:
    Example of a strong thesis: “Both the article and the Epic of Gilgamesh suggest that material possessions are a
    key ingredient for a good life. But while Gilgamesh argues that these possessions are essential for happiness,
    the article’s author insists that they actually make life worse.”
    Example of a mediocre thesis: “The article and the Epic of Gilgamesh offer different perspectives on the value of
    material possessions for a good life.”
    Example of a weak thesis: “Both the article and the Epic of Gilgamesh discuss material possessions
    Use Evidence from Both Sources
    Use quotes from both the assigned reading and article/podcast (use transcripts of podcasts to find quotes)
    Avoid unnecessary summary to set up the quotes (assume I know context)
    Keep quotes under ~3 lines
    Ask for Help!
    Ask questions!
    Email or set up a Google Hangouts call to discuss ideas, outlines, etc.
    Comments on drafts with 48 hours notice.
    Extensions of up to one week.
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