Article Analysis


The article I chose is
You need to follow the instruction below, it’s 300 words total. (exclude the work cited page)
And you will need to provide a work cited page at the end, and in-text citations are necessary .
Write a one to two paragraph summary of the article in your own words and point out the major marine biology themes discussed.

Topic Association:
In a few sentences, describe why you selected the article you did and how it relates to the topics we’ve been covering that week.

Personal Reaction/Reflection:
Your personal reaction should clearly state your opinions and/or reflection on the article. You can offer potential solutions, compare it to another marine biology related topics, ask questions about the article, or simply reflect on the article’s content. Do not simply write, “This article was very interesting/good.” Some questions to drive your discussion:

What are the key points made in the article? What are the points of view presented about this issue?
- Does the article teach you something new?
Does it support or refute other information you’ve heard or read? What questions does this article make you think about that were not addressed and you’d like to know more about?

Cite the source of your article:
Underneath your reaction, list the citation for your article in MLA format. You may use the Citation Machine website ( (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.) to help with this. Below are two examples of citations:


Richtel, Matt. “Driver Texting Now an Issue in Back Seat.” New York Times 09 SEP 2009, late ed.: A1. Print.


“Venezuela to Get Russian Missiles.” BBC News. 12 SEP 2009. BBC News. 12 Sep 2009 <>.


You will need to provide the link to the article in your post so other students can follow the link when they respond.





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