Article: Degabriele, Peter. “Sympathy for the Sovereign”


Article : Degabriele, Peter. “Sympathy for the Sovereign: Sovereignty, Sympathy, and the Colonial Relation in Edward Gibbons The Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire.” The Eighteenth Century 53, no. 1 (2012): 1–22

You will then write a 1500-word essay (Times New Roman 12-point font; double-spaced;
paginated; approximately six pages) that analyzes the secondary source; if you fall one- hundred words short of or over this limit, your grade will be impacted. You must identify the author’s thesis, the body of sources used, and the broader significance of the article. Avoid simply summarizing the article or rewording its contents – you should be showing evidence of critical engagement in your essay. It is acceptable to disagree with the author’s thesis or question some of the evidence in the article, but make sure that you directly engage with the source and fairly represent its argument. Your essay will be well served by bringing in material from the course, especially the readings (if relevant).
There is no need to cite sources in the essay, but avoid any instances of plagiarism – if you do draw on an outside source (even the course textbook), cite it either in Chicago

Turabian style or parenthetically (Strayer, 53) and create a bibliography at the end of your essay.

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