Use this template to guide your preparation of the artifacts that demonstrate your proficiency in the eight required program outcomes. Save one instance of the template for each program outcome.
- Program Outcome
Program Outcome number seven (7): Synthesize inquiry and research to evaluate theory and problem-solving approaches in the creation of new practices. - Name and Description of Each Artifact
1.) Linking Theory and Practices: Traditional Learning Theories (u02a1): EDD 8330 – Adult Learning Theory and Practice. Completed on January 20, 2019.
2.) Learning Theories: Comparison, Contrasting, and Applying (u03a1). EDD 8330 – Adult Learning Theory and Practice. Completed on January 27, 2019. - Purpose of the Artifacts
In regards to the Linking Theory and Practices: Traditional Learning Theories artifact and its purpose teaching and learning are essential processes that make humans more aware, sensitive and adaptive to their environments. Different theorists provide various conceptions about what constitutes learning and the way it takes place. Fundamentally, learning is a continuous process which occurs either voluntarily or involuntarily and results in particular outcomes reflected in behavior, social skills, and general disposition of an individual.
The activity that I took to complete the artifact was the understanding and study that Leaning is a continuum which involves the interaction of the leaner with knowledge, skills and information which help them in coping with their daily situations. Various philosophers have advanced different orientations or theoretical stances to define how learning takes place. These include behaviorism, social cognitive theory, constructivism, humanistic theory and cognitivist theory. The most convincing if these approaches are the cognitivist social theory since it frames leaners as being part of a larger social construct which prescribes their behavior and knowledge.
In regards to the Learning Theories: Comparison, Contrasting, and Applying artifact and its purpose Adult learning theories and practices are being utilized by instructors as a basic framework for educational planning to deliver training to their students. These theories and practices are founded on the data of long-standing research with purpose to train adults in any form of the environment (Merriam & Bierema, 2014).
The activity at completing this artifact was to evaluate the several different assumptions and theories of adult learning; andragogy, self-directed, transformative, problem-based and experimental knowledge. I then conducted a thorough research evaluation, discussion, and application of the adult learning theories. The importance of knowing the various forms of adult learning theories is to help both the student and the instructor to communicate effectively. In such a state, the results realized are improved effectively. - The Artifact as Evidence
Explain (2–4 paragraphs) how each artifact serves as evidence of having met the program outcome. Note: This should answer the “so-what” question. Why are you including this particular artifact over others? Be very specific.