Asian population.

Step 1.0
V) Add general expected demographics – Male/Female, ages, ethnicity, etc. This would be important in
determining types of foods most palatable to the targeted audience. For example, a Latino population would
prefer different foods than a mostly Asian population.
V) The performance context is the students’ personal kitchens. Describe minimum expectations for a home
kitchen — describe the location where students will use their skills upon completion.
VI) In “real situations” what will the context look like? Shopping a typical grocery store? Will meal development
be at a kitchen at a school, community center, or home? So, describe the context where students are learning.
VII) With online learning they’ll probably need computers? Any minimum expectations there?
Week 4
step 2.1 and 2.2
My comments are for both 2.1 and 2.2 tasks:
1) Your analysis (in week 2) stated that learners will actually prepare meals too, so you’ll need more than the
six subgoals listed.
2) The graphic depiction at the bottom of the page beneath your table is incomplete. It shows nine blocks but
they don’t correlate to the table. See my example in week 3’s tasking.
3) The subgoal you’re analyzing is to determine cooking methods and times. So things like boiling water,
chopping vegetables, peeling/seeding fruits are not germane to this subgoal. Make sure every
subordinate/entry skill contribute directly to the subgoal: what things must students do to determine cooking
methods and times? A few ideas:
• Explain the importance of proper cooking methods and times.
• State the appropriate methods and times for cooking various proteins, starches, and vegetables.
• Explain the difference between moist and dry heat cooking.
4) Clean up you depiction (arrows and be sure to add numerals that correlate with the table in each block.
Week 6
Step 4.0
6.0 Don’t use “questions” in an objective. Clearly state what students must do: “Given a slow cooker, explain
proper cooking procedures for proteins and hot side dishes. Include reasons for specific entrée selection,
cooking temperatures for selections, and cooking time with 100% accuracy.”
Needs a condition and criterion. What is provided doesn’t really address the skill. How about: “When asked by
your instructor, explain the difference between dry heat and moist heat cooking in five or less minutes.
Responses should highlight X, Y, and Z.” You fill in X, Y, and Z since you’re the expert.
Do the same sort of thing for 6.2 through 6.5: (1) Clearly state the conditions under which student will
demonstrate the skill, (2) what the skill actually is (use action verbs), and (3) the criteria they must meet to
demonstrate mastery.
Week 7
Step 5.0
Test items do match indicated objectives but objectives (column 2) are not congruent with skills (column 1) and
objectives do not have all three parts.

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