Asian Thoughts

Question #1

Part one: (20 points) In the Tao of Pooh, two ideas that are central to the teaching of Tao are presented. One is called P’u (the Uncarved Block) and the other is Wu Wei (Doing without doing) In your own words, describe these two teachings of Taoism. You should use examples from the text to support your views
(Used attached photos from the book the Tao of Pooh)

Part two: (10 points) Interconnectedness or interdependence is an essential idea of Taoism, In this section, I would like you to explain why in order to live in harmony with the Tao it is essential to understand the natural order and connection of all phenomena and sentient beings. To help you with this part, you will find a good talk about this in the following Youtube streaming of Alan Watts.

Part three: (20 points) In this section you are to find two chapters from the “Tao Te Ching” that illustrate the notion that conceptuality or discursive thinking may get in the way of understanding the Tao. To do this, you must show how the ideas that are expressed in the language of the chapter communicates your understanding of the problem with conceptual thought. Be sure you include which chapters you are referencing.

Question #2 (worth 50 points) (AT LEAST THREE PAGES)

Part one: (30 points) In this section I want to you to explain and analyze the meaning of the title of the Ram Dass’ text, The Path to God. Using this text, the attached mp3 recordings,and the below Youtube streaming, you are to discuss what it means within the Hindu system of thought to have a Path to God. It is very important that you clearly define and explain what the Hindu teachings teach us about the Godhead (Brahman) and about our own self (Atman). Remember, you are examining the Hindu notion of the Path to God as found in Ram Dass’ text which focuses on the Bhagavad Gita.

Part two: (20 points) In this second part you are to explain and analyze those factors that separate us from God (Brahman). Then selecting ONLY ONE of the three Yogas (Karma, Jnana, or Bhakti), explain how the yoga you chose helps us free ourselves from those factors which separate us from Union with the Godhead.

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