Assembly language program


Write an MSP430 assembly language program to sort a list of unsigned positive integers into ascending
Before the program begins, the following information needs to be set up. Your list should contain at
least 20 numbers, although you should try it with more when you’re sure your program is working. Use
assembler directives to place an unordered list of randomly chosen numbers into memory. You are free
to manually specify any numbers you like as long as they can be represented as Bytes. Recall that an
unsigned integer of Byte size can represent values from 0 to 255.
When your program runs, it should scan through the list of numbers and rearrange them into proper
ascending order. You are free to have your program use any method for sorting numbers. The final
result should be all of the original numbers in order (smallest number at the first location in the list,
largest number at the last location in the list).


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