Assessing the feasibility of fish and chip shop

A feasibility report starting with highlights and thereafter generally comprising 3500 words, sequencing an appropriate analysis of a business opportunity, and concluding with an objective recommendation

Apply the approaches, techniques and teaching tools taught in the module to the business you chose in the first weeks of the module, produce a 3500 word feasibility report, which analyses and makes recommendations on the feasibility of your business. The word count excludes Highlights, tables, Eureka, the bibliography, and appendix.
The report should start with the Highlights, and end with the recommendation and a eureka reflective discussion.
Highlights should comprise circa 400 words of conclusions from each part of the Mullins adapted model.
Recommendation should reflect the conclusions of each part of the analysis. The recommendation need not be positive, i.e. the business is not feasible because….., and above all should reflect the conclusions of the report. Qualified and partial recommendations are the norm.
Eureka should comprise circa 200 words and describe how the module has influenced your thinking on business, and which particular moment in at least one of the seminars or lectures helped formulate your new thinking!
The report should also include a bibliography (see later) and appendices.
Within the report, the analysis should systematically (rather than randomly) follow structure of the Mullins adapted model (2018), i.e. macro market, macro industry, micro market, micro industry, and cash and risk. In keeping with business and academic convention, the cash should include a copy of the cashflow.
All of each of the tools need not be included in the report, provided they are included in the appendix and referenced in the report, e.g. (see appendix 2).
The teacher is particularly interested in the following:
Clear understanding of each of the taught tools etc, how they work, their inputs and outputs, and how each relates to the other teachings.
Comprehensive and primary research appropriately collected (by the student), and secondary research from reputable sources.
Consistent and clear labelling indicating each part of the Mullins adapted model.
Appropriate use of all models, frameworks and tools taught during the module.

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