Assessment 2 – Analysis of Data


This amounts to 30% of the overall mark and is a 1000 words data analysis of a Cancer Research UK Report which explored the role played by ‘The Packaging of Tobacco Products’. A copy of this report is on the module page.
As an indicative approach to the analysis, it is expected that you:
i) Identify the research question(s), aims and objectives of the research
ii) Critically analyse the report by addressing the type of method adopted (e.g. qualitative, quantitative or mixed), the source of data (e.g. primary or secondary data), the method of data collection employed (e.g. interviews, questionnaire etc), sampling techniques adopted and how the data was analysed.
iii) Critically address whether or not the method and analysis adopted aligns with answering the research question and achieving the said objectives. This should also take into consideration the results emanating from the analysis and the strength or weaknesses inherent in the method adopted.
iv) Ensure reference is made to relevant literature using the Harvard referencing style.
Please note that the deadline to hand in this assessment is on Tuesday 22 May 2018, 11:59pm

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