Assisted living facility


Discuss the case at the end of chapter 6 (pages 173-4), consider the following:
How have Daniella’s needs changed since moving into the assisted living facility?
How are those changing needs being met by the assisted living facility?
If the assisted living services were not available, what would Daniella’s options likely be? Think outside the box here and consider the full spectrum or continuum of care she has to choose from. Can any of these services be combined or used side by side?
Look into the NAB licensing exam and discuss the RCAL licensure. Does Illinois require licensing for assisted living administrators (executive director)? NAB_Handbook_Sept_2017_WEB.pdf


Goldberg, T. (2014). The Long-Term and Post-Acute Care Continuum. West Virginia Medical Journal. Nov.-Dec., 2014. Vol.110, pg. 24-30.
NAB (2017). Candidates Handbook


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