Attention grabbing statement

    Attention grabbing statement

Is the attention grabbing statement relevant? Too broad/general?

Does it transition easily into the topic introduction?

Does the thesis statement match the paper? If no, suggest a new focus for the thesis.
Is the thesis too broad or narrow? If yes, suggest a more relevant focus.

After reading the paper, does the introduction adequately present the topic? If not, what specifically isn’t working?

Body Paragraphs:

Which one of Franklin’s thesis statements is the writer responding to?

Is the summary of the selected essay Comprehensive/Brief/Accurate/Neutral/Independent? Which element(s) should the writer focus on to make the summary stronger?

Is the quoted material cited correctly? Do they include signal and identifying phrases? Is the punctuation around the quotation marks and parentheses correct?

Does the evidence provided support the writer’s thesis? Is it analyzed in a way that supports their thesis?

Is the analysis/explanation of the examples sufficient in each paragraph? Which paragraphs are lacking? Which paragraphs are the most effective?

Does the organization of the paper flow? Would you move certain ideas/paragraphs? If yes, suggest a new order here.

Is the conclusion a logical review of paper? Does it move beyond a mere summary? Is there a ‘so-what’ statement? i.e. a conclusion that is made because of the progression of the paper; it could not have been stated earlier because it is an idea realized through writing.

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