Attica Prison Riot 1971


Writing and research is an essential part of law enforcement. All law enforcement officers must assume that their reports are reviewed by their supervisors, the courts, regulatory agencies, and even the press. This writing assignment is designed to aid you in developing analytical and writing skills.

Although the Research Paper is based upon the collective information learned during the course Module 8: Jails and Prisons: An Explosive Environment provides unique insight into the causes of, what happens during, and the aftermath of prison riots. Using the Who, What, When, Where, How, and Why formula students are to describe the events leading up to the riot, identify what happened during the riot, and explain its impact on the facility, staff, and inmates. The riot’s impact on the correctional system should also be discussed inclusive of any identifiable lessons should have been learned from this event to prevent future riots or disturbances.

It is strongly suggested that students review Module 8 and incorporate information and concepts such as:

The “Precipitating Event” or Explosive Event
Was it a “Planned” or “Unplanned Disturbance” or a combination and why.
How Staff Organized and What was their initial and subsequent response?
What type of Organizational Structure did the inmates form; it any?
What type of approach was used to Confront the inmates and why was that approach used?
How was the event Terminated?
Compare, if possible, the administration’s or investigative authorities Explanation for the Causes and that of the inmates. Include concepts such as public safety, Constitutional issues,
Using Federal Emergency Management and State Emergency Management tools such as Mitigation, Preparedness, Response, and Recovery explain how you, as a senior correctional administrator, would have responded to prevent, prepare, respond, and/or to recover from this event.
Students are strongly suggested to review the grading rubric before starting this assignment. The point value for this paper will be 100 points (10%) of your final grade. The grading rubric or method of grading for this assignment is located in the Learning Module entitled Research Paper Requirements. Paper(s) submitted after the allocated time frame will not be accepted. It is strongly suggested that students utilize the Writing Center to assist you in preparing your papers.

Paper Submissions are to be submitted in accordance with instructions noted within Blackboard.


1) Attica Prison Riot – 1971

Paper Format:

Paper must be a MINIMUM of three (3) pages in length.

Cover pages, Reference or Resource Pages, and pictures DO NOT COUNT AS A PAGE.

Save and submit papers as a Word Document, as a PDF Document, or in Rich Text Format (RTF) to ensure that your work product can be opened and viewed in the style and format as written.

*SPEICAL NOTE TO MAC USERS: Save your document in any of the above noted formats. IF I CAN’T OPEN YOUR PAPER, I CAN’T READ IT THEREFORE NO GRADE.

Formatting is important:

Times New Roman 12 font. Any larger sized text will void the submission.
Double Spaced. Any pacing larger than Double Spaced will void the submission.
1-inch margins on all 4 sides of the paper.
Cover page with topic, your name, class, date and course instructor’s name
Reference Page.
*Cover and Reference pages do NOT count as one of the three pages.

Be very aware of the two P’s: Plagiarism and Proofreading.

You must use at least two outside sources.

Don’t be a quote machine; 2 or 3 tops and use the proper MLA or APA format for citations.

It is always better to paraphrase and summarize your research.

After you finish, read your paper 3 times.

Spell check it to eliminate mistakes.

A point is taken off for every proofreading mistake.

APA or MLA style is required for citations and references.

d.What obligations and responsibilities do we have to each other, to our communities, and to society?
3.Cite all sources, including assigned readings, according to APA citation guidelines.

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