Auditing, Assurance and Risk Assessment

can you ask the writer to define and apply the sections numbers in more details and make it longer because compared to the sample i think the writer havent defined enough
i want him to define the section longer

  1. Before you start writing the assignment, you should read the powerpoint Slide which is attached below to have a deeper understanding about “APES 110” Ethics and independence.
  2. After reading those slides, you will have to use a number of sections from APES 110 to identify the threats, recommend safe guards to reduce the independence threats identified and also provide an objective assessment of whether audit independence can be achieved
  3. In order to apply those sections, you need to refer my e-book account to find those sections and apply it to the questions. Here is my ebook accounts:
  4. Moreover, there is also one sample writing assessment attached below for you to do some readings and have some ideas how to answer it
  5. Moreover, there is also a marking guide for you which show the score level for you to achieve.

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