Autonomous trucks innovation

Examine autonomous trucks and write a paper that critically analyzes the potential impacts on urban travel and urban form. conduct an online search, utilizing intemet sources to identify recent research that has examined the viability of the innovation and the potential impacts of the innovation on cities. You must find a minimum of six sources of information about your innovation, three of which must consist of peer-reviewed academic journal articles. The other three (or more) sources may be news articles, government websites, or other reputable sources. (Sorry, this excludes Fox News.) Based on your analysis, write an essay that clearly addresses the following for the autonomous trucks innovation: —Briefly describe the innovation that you are examining and its background —Discuss how the innovation could be considered “disruptive” *disruptive In other words, is autonomous trucks not well understood, does it involve new markets that are unpredictable, is it dramatic and game changing, and do not follow traditional business methods ? —Why is it not well understood? —What are the new target markets, and why are they unpredictable? —How is the innovation dramatic and game changing? —Why does the innovation not follow traditional business methods? —Analyze the potential impacts of the innovation for each of the following —Impacts on urban travel in general —Impacts on urban form and the built environment

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