B.A.R.T. theory to analyze the case of Sunray organization

use B.A.R.T. theory to analyze the case of Sunray organization


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Read: Fleming, P. (2005). Workers’ playtime? Boundaries and cynicism in a “Culture of Fun” program. The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 41(3), 285-303.
Using B.A.R.T. as a framework, clarify successes and missteps made at the Sunray organization in trying to encourage employees to have fun at work.
Specifically, describe how TWO aspects of B.A.R.T. are relevant to the organizational challenge of making work fun as noted in the article. Be sure to include the
sub-concepts of each aspect of BART you describe. Define/describe all relevant concepts and provide specific examples from the case to illustrate your points.
Finally, explain one suggestion/intervention you would make if you were employed as a “funsultant” at the Sunray organization.

paper should be approximately 5 pages in length, double-spaced, with one-inch margins and 12 point Times New Roman font. Going slightly beyond 5 pages is not
encouraged, but will not be penalized. References should be in APA format. DO NOT CITE CLASS SLIDES. All the material on the class slides is from the course readings.


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