Bad habit journal

Identity the bad habit that you want to break and describe in detail the virtue that you must master in order

to do so. Address the following questions:
What are the extremes? Where is the mean?
How is this bad habit harmful to your flourishing?
Why is this virtue required for eudaimonia?
Give real world examples for this virtue—SHOW us where the mean is.
(If Aristotle did not include this virtue in his list, then explain this new virtue: describe the mean and the

two extremes as well as which emotions you are balancing with this virtue.)
(This first step is crucial because you are setting CLEAR goals for yourself. Show us what desires are in

accordance with right Reason.)
identify two (2) specific lessons and strategies from Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics that you will use to

break this bad habit. Address the following questions:
Identify your moral weaknesses and triggers for vice
What is your plan for avoiding akrasia (Books VI-VII)?
(Optional) What else might help you achieve your goals? (an app perhaps?)
How will you find the mean? By what standard will you determine it? (Books II-IV, VI-VII)

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