Banking Industry Trends






Research Paper on Banking Industry Trends

The assignment is a (content) paper on trends in the banking industry written in APA style. The due date is November 17. You may use information from the textbook, journal/news source articles, current events, and/or videos from class.

The outline of your paper should be as follows:

• Introduction; main idea of the paper

• Discuss various trends in the industry. Choose some of the following questions to guide your research (you do not need to use all of these; you should probably focus on no more than 3-4 of them):

o How has the role of banks within the financial services industry changed?
o Discuss some of the strategic issues in the banking industry (small, large, growth, technology, branching, consolidation, etc.)
o What have been the effects of regulatory changes on the banking industry?
o What have been the effects of the financial crisis on the banking industry?
o How have banks performed in recent and past history?
o How does bank performance break down by bank size?
o What role is there for community/rural banks now and in the future?
o Why are there so many consolidations and what effect to these have?
o How have bank operations changed with technology? (For example, liquidity management, derivatives management of interest rate risk and other risks, etc.)
o What are some of the business and policy challenges facing the banking industry now and in the future?



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