Barrow global to gain public awarenees in USA and Tanzania as well as all over the world.



Create a brand story which will help barrow global to gain public awarenees in USA and Tanzania as well as all over the world.
compliment barrow global on what they are doing now such as research and training for professional by giving examples.
explain the different between what barrow global have done such as the development of a professional and good relationship with government. give example for big clininc which succeded and how and why they succeded
explain well what they have not done such as develop a global public awareness brand and how they should do it and why they should do it by showing examples who have done it how and why.
explain what they should do to de velop barrow global brand, how and why by providing good example such as cleveland clininc
how Barrow global should develop a strong global brand among the public and professional
currentlly the Barrow neurological institution provides education, hands on help and competition care so that help the barrow global build a good reputation but the challenge is that barrow global brand is not well known among the public.
EXplain what they have done well , what they have not done well and how the should do it and who have done it well how and why.




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