Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST)

Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) for analyzing protein sequence data

  1. Make up 2 random 20 amino acid sequences that would be used for the assignment below, these
    sequences should be from different proteins, please try your best to get as close as possible to “100%,
    accuracy”, but be not restricted to that, you should proceed with the highest possible matched percents
  • BLAST 20-mer sequence – 2 points
  • Obtain your protein sequence – 3 points
  • Obtain DNA seq. that codes for protein – 5 points
  • Design primers to clone gene into vector – 10 points
  • Make a multiple sequence alignment – 10 point
  1. Make an informative image of protein using PyMol, attach to paper and write 0.5-page summary on protein

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