Become a happier and wiser person


“What beliefs, attitudes, virtues, behaviors and habits do you want to develop in yourself to become a happier and wiser person?”
You will pick 3 qualities that you would like to strengthen in yourself.
*Can NOT include these 4 qualities: Spirituality, Perspective, Perseverance, Zest. Any other quality is fine.*
Please answer the following questions for each of 3 qualities:
What is the quality that you would like to develop?
What would be some concrete and observable manifestations of those qualities in your life?
Why is it important for you to develop this quality? What are the expected benefits to you and others?
What are some real-world examples, inspirations, resources, and tools that can help you? How are you planning to use these resources?
The report should be around 1000 words
This is an example written by NYT writer:



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