Bennett v. Metro. Gov’t of Nashville & Davidson Cnty

Briefly describe the facts of the case leading up to Bennett being terminated.
While supporting facts are necessary for the story to flow, concentrate your efforts on the facts that are most
important related to whether Bennett was retaliated against for protected First Amendment speech.
Use the attached case and at least two outside sources, to thoroughly explain the balance between the public
employee’s freedom of speech and the public employer’s right to require limits to that speech.
Explain what this case tells us about the public employee’s rights related to free speech.
Finally, this case mentions the due process rights HCC afforded Bennett.
Explain why public employees like Bennett are afforded due process, where that requirement comes from, and
what is generally considered adequate due process.
paper should be double spaced with one 1” margins.
There is no minimum or maximum page count.
based on how well you explain the concepts and not how long or short your paper is.
A complete and concise addressing of the points is welcome

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