Bike Stores is a small business chain that sells bicycles at stores in California



Bike Stores is a small business chain that sells bicycles at stores in California, Texas, and New York. The business owners would like several reports to be generated that provide information on company sales. These reports will leverage data currently stored in the BikeStores database. You will install Microsoft Report Builder on the same system you have Microsoft SQL Server and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) installed. You will then generate column chart, bar chart, line chart, pie chart, and tabular reports presenting various views of BikeStores sales.

It is very important that you watch the Module 5 videos associated with SQL prior to completing the assessment. You will need to install and use Microsoft SQL Server Express and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for this course. You can download the latest versions of these free software products here:
Microsoft SQL Server Express
Microsoft SSMS

Navigate to the Academic Tools area of this Module and select Library then Required Readings to access your texts and videos. You will need to install and use Microsoft SQL Server Express and Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) for this course.

You must have SQL Server Express and SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) installed to complete this assessment. The sample database for this module is called BikeStores. The database creation script, installation instructions, and database diagram can be downloaded below:

Create BikeStores Database Script
Instructions for Establishing the BikeStores Database
Bikestores Database Design Diagram
Use the BikeStores database design diagram to help address applicable assessment tasks. You will need to fully understand the BikeStores database design for this assessment.

You must also install the Microsoft Report Builder application. The following document provides instructions on how to install Microsoft Report Builder:

Microsoft Report Builder Installation Instructions
Provide your assessment task responses in a Microsoft® Word® report document. Also, incorporate a screenshot of each completed Microsoft Report Builder report into the assessment document as proof of completed work.

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